Wednesday 24 August 2011

nurturing before birth: mother's mood matter

"mother's mood matter''

An emotionally stable motheris far more conducive to the optimal growth of the fetus than an anxious one. When a soon-to-be motherfeels stressed out, the affect extends over to the emotional and mental health of the unborn. Themother's depressive or stressed state during pregnancy may become the child's first adverse life event, influencing the child's emotional well-being in the long term.Strong links have been found between mothers' depressive mood during pregnancy and child's later mental health. A research concluded that children whose mothers underwent stressful pregnancies (reasons may vary) gave birth to children who showed disturbed behavior, insomnia, low adaptability, poor social functioning, unsatisfactory performance at schools, and were more 
likely to develop anxiety and depression later in life Several studies conducted in Pakistan revealed high prevalence of anxiety and depression in women during antenatal period and/or later (Oberlander T, Mek WC, Mumford DB 1996, 1997 & 2000, Ali as et al 2000 and 2002). The effects reflect in the ever-increasing number of children with behavioral instability exhibited at schools and other social setups. 
The cause for mood swings and depression during pregnancy could be attributed to a number of factors. One prominent factor is the hormonal change. An expectant mother's mood is related to the chemical changes that take place within her body. The hormones and the neurotransmitters go throug h the bloodstream and across the placenta to the qrowinq brain of the fetus. This explains 
the science of mother's emotional stability transferring to the fetus. If the mother feels elated and joyous, the developing brain experiences chemical secretions that are found to promote life-long sense of well-being. Causes of stress might also be related to pregnancy itself. The 
incidence of unplanned pregnancy, fear of or indication of complication by the doctor during child birth, ill health of the mother are all factors that can contribute to the increased level of anxiety in the mother. Other factors such as moving to a new house or career or job changes for 
one or o ot h c are nts may also add to stress levels. Depress VI.' situations are difficult to avoid as anyone can experience tnern in everyday life. A mother and her spouse should IC(lm to deal with such situations in a more tactful way so as I') minimize the possible harm depressive state can have on the fetus. Depression in pregnancy can have a ncgiltivc im poet on the provision of good prenatal care, par ticularly in the areas of nutrition, sleepinq habits, exercisinq and fo!lowing the instructions given by the doctor. One major psychological effect depression has on women is the feeling of disassociation with the baby. 
Rememberthat emotions, positive or negative, are more intense during pregnancy. While ideally an expectant mother ought to take reasonable measures to rid the life of tension, this is easier said than done. What every parent must strive to ascertain is that the baby gets the best emotional start. Taking time to rest and revet in positive emotions; resolving stresses quickly, in a positive fashion; seeking professional help if necessary; talking to and singing and sharing affectionatethoughts with the baby are all ways that can provide a healthy emotional experience for the baby while still in the womb. And if nothing else, it can at least make pregnancy nicer for the mother-to-be.

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